Sierra Mass Trak Flow Meter/ Model 810S-M-DR-4-0V1-SV1-V1-S1-MP
Mass-Trak requires a regulated 24 VDC external power source. The0-5 VDC and 4-20 mA output signals, which are linearlyproportional to gas mass flow rate, are provided for recording, datalogging, or control.A 15-pin ìDî connector is provided for powerinput, output signal and set point control.
For mass flow controllers, once the gas flows through themonitoring section, it is then controlled by the built-in servo-control valve. All models of the Mass-Trak utilize Sierraís proprietary high-efficiency Fast-Trak Electromagnetic Valve. The normally closedFast-Trak valve is similar to an on/off solenoid valve, except that thecurrent to the valve coil, and hence the magnetic field, is modulatedso that the ferromagnetic valve armature, or valve plug, assumes theexact height above the valveís orifice required to maintain thevalveís command flow. The result is nearly infinite resolution.
See photos for more details